a brief hiatus
dematerializing anti-materialism
Another quick post. A long day at work, then Mary Prankster at the Knitting Factory (take a moment to check out her site, it's good tongue-in-cheek country/folk/punk), and then back here to post another experimental hip hop track from Mush. More it's autopsy footage and a longer post.
Despite the poor exhange rate, I couldn't help but buy some new music while I was in London, so today is just a brief update with the music I bought and links for them for anyone interested. Also an Epitonic track from the incredible ambient artist, Casino Versus Japan. Expect a better update tomorrow (I've got a good story). My new CDs:
So after a couple of weeks without posting here, I just finished a pretty big post. Or rather I almost finished it. I was just about to check one thing to make sure my facts were straight, when my computer froze up on me. I pretty loyal to my computer (it's name is Blue Calx, by the way, hence the posting name) but it is no fan of multitasking. So if I try to type a post, send an instant message, and look for information on the Jaga Jazzist site, Blue Calx begins a valant effort to do all three at once. There's always that moment when I sense that the computer is struggling, followed by a couple of minutes when I wait patiently for it process all the information and become unfrozen, followed by the point where I give up, restart and accept the fact that my posting has been lost forever and that I'll just type something else tomorrow.
I'm back from my London trip, unfortunately since I had to start working again right away, it's gonna take me a little while to get my life back in order again. So I'm gonna take a couple of more days off before I start updating with new links, mp3's, and thoughts about London (the trip was great by the way). So for today, a very short update.